» History of the company

History of the company

The history of Kremenchukmyaso PrJSC starts in 1913. Two German brothers of Austrian origin, Fridrich and Robert Seip founded a bacon factory in Kremenchuk. Rumors about the excellent quality and taste of bacon from Kremenchuk spread far beyond Ukraine.

Historical sources indicate that besides the factory, they set up their own pigsties on Pishchana mount. Part of the raw materials they bought from the local villagers, they made agreements with them, and factory workers monitored the conditions for the animal welfare, their feeding, etc.

Soon in the center of Kremenchuk, at the corner of Katerynska and Khersonska streets (nowadays Soborna and Leitenenta Pokladova streets), Seip’s shop with bacon and sausages was opened. In the immaculate clean shop, there was always a wide range of sausages and bacon. For regular customers there were discounts. An hour before the shop’s closing, the remains of the products were sold to everyone at a symbolic price.

After the October Revolution in 1917, Seip’s factory was nationalized and became Bacon Factory of the Dobrobut All-Ukrainian Dairy Cattle-breeding Union. The factory was created on the ruins of the former Warsaw missile plant, which was evacuated to Kremenchuk during the Imperialist war in 1915.

In the mid-1920s, a lot of specialists considered that it was unreasonable to build such an enterprise in 130 versts from Poltava as there was an analogical one. Kind of, there were not enough raw materials. But they were mistaken.

By 1927 the factory had been working uninterrupted 80% bacon pigs and 20% lard pigs were being supplied to its workshops. Out of bacon pigs, bacon for export to London was produced. Products from lard pigs were for consumers from Moscow, Leningrad, and even France. The remains of the production - legs, tails, heads - were sold at the Tserebkop local market.

In 1928 Nash Krai magazine stated that the Soviet government spent one million karbovantsiv for the construction of the factory and ancillary premises. 120 workers were involved in the main production, and at the ancillary one, there were 50 workers. Such a small quantity was involved because even in those times, most processes in production were mechanized.

During The Great Patriotic War, Kremenchuk's meat-processing plant was ruined almost completely. Kremenchuk citizens started restoring the enterprise at the end of the 1940s by people's forces. Hundreds of residents made their efforts for the enterprise to start working in the mid-1950s again. After that, a lot of builders of those people started to work in the shops of the restored plant. Among the colleagues of the post-war meat-processing plant, there were lots of participants in military operations and order bearers.

The first workshops which started working were a slaughterhouse and a sausage workshop. There was practically no equipment at the enterprise so sausages were cooked in a big vat. Workers brought raw materials and products to different shops by wheelbarrows. The shops of the enterprise were heated with coal, which workers themselves extracted with axes. In cold seasons when workers came to shops in the morning, the temperature was so low that hands were often frozen to iron pipes. Nevertheless, despite super hard working conditions, people did their job conscientiously, winning prestige and reputation for the enterprise.

Employees of the Kremenchuk meat-processing plant always had an important, responsible, and honorable mission to feed people. It means to care about the health of their compatriots and countrymen, and besides to form their positive mood!

The Kremenchuk meat-processing plant provided a start for a new life for lots of young people. They started to work at the enterprise very young and listened to the pieces of advice from their mentors. Then they could decide how to build their professional career. As a result, some of them finished technical colleges and institutes, and others improved their skills by working directly in the workshops. But everyone, who had such a wish, became a professional in his or her field and got respect and a decent reward for work.

The “perestroika” of the 1990s turned out to be quite difficult for the Kremenchuk meat-processing plant. The enterprise ended up on the verge of bankruptcy. But destiny prepared a new take-off. On 14 July 1998, a renewed management team, under the leadership of Oleg Babaiev, set up Kremenchukmyaso Public Joint-stock Company.

Experienced experts in making meat and sausage products set a course for quality, implementing up-to-date European production technologies. At the same time, they saved and used the best traditions of the previous generations. For 20 years, Kremenchukmyaso PrJSC has reached the ambitious purpose of producing only high-quality products and taking a leading position in the domestic market.

Heads of the meat-processing plant

Serhii Kodak, a head of the enterprise approx. from 1950-1954..

Mykola Fedorenko  (10.02.1911), higher military education. A head of the enterprise from 10.02.1956 to 01.07.1961 (5 years, 5 months)..

Oleksii Neliuba (21.02.1928). In 1958 he got higher education at Odesa Technological Institute of Food and Refrigerator Industry, specialty - Engineer-mechanic, a head of the enterprise from 27.07.1961 to 10.09.1963 (2 years, 2 months)..

Mykhailo Mohylevskyi (1930 year of birth). A head of the enterprise from 25.07.1969 to 1972 (3 years)..

Anatolii Pylnyk  (02.07.1933). Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry (1967), specialty - Engineer-technologist. A head of the enterprise from 05.01.1972 to 10.01.1994 (22 years)..

Vitalii Popovych  (20.07.1942). Lviv Polytechnic Institute, 1966, specialty - Engineer-mechanic. A head of the enterprise from 09.11.1994 to 06.05.1998 (4 years, 6 months)..

Oleg Babaiev (21.10.1965). Minsk Higher Military Political School of General Education (Social studies history teacher). Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, specialty - Economist. A head of the board of Kremenchukmyaso PJSC from 01.08.1998 to 31.07.2007 (9 years)..

Iryna Drozdova (05.01.1967). Poltava Technical College of Meat Industry, Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry, specialty - Economy, and organization of food products industry. A head of the board of Kremenchukmyaso PrJSC from 01.08.2007 and currently.